FIRST PLACE, Grades 4-6 Division, 2003
Grade 5, Rudolph Elementary
The following is an excerpt:
My twin brother Kyle has taught my family a lot about happy times and sad times. Kyle is the reason I decided to write this today. I love him very much and I want others to know how special he is. Sometimes when we are shopping or at the playground people stare at him; but he doesn’t let it bother him. He usually makes a point to speak to those who stare at him. You see, my brother has Spina Bifida. He is in a wheel chair most of the time. He cannot move his legs on his own. He can’t even feel his legs or feet. He has a brace that allows him to stand and walk with the help of a walker. Kyle has not let this get him down. …
There are things he cannot do, but there are even more things that he can do. We always try to look at the bright side of things. My mom has always said that there are so many people in the world with nothing; they have no home, no food, no education, and sometimes no hope. We have so much in this country, a home, food, and friends. Kyle is always reminding us how blessed we are every time he shares his laughter and dreams of what he will be when he grows up.”